Confirmation that We Humans are Interconnected

When I think about how God placed us humans here on this earth, it is evident to me He created us to be interconnected.

What immediately comes to mind are minor interactions and experiences we have daily with one another. Despite our differences in viewpoints and behaviors, there is a fundamental commonality we all share.

Some include:

  1. When one person laughs, another person laughs.
  2. When one person sneezes, another person sneezes.
  3. When you call someone on your mind and find they were thinking of you too.
  4. When you call someone who is on your mind and they are going through a trial.
  5. When one person cries, everyone cries.
  6. When one person yawns, another person yawns.
  7. As couples grow older, they begin to look alike.
  8. Finding your “twin” you are not biologically related to.

And the list can go on and on.

I , personally, have witnessed each of of these scenarios lead to either laughs or conversations that ultimately lead to some type of bonding or relationship making it much easier to connect with, love one another, and look after one another as we have been commanded to do.

This list definitely is not an exhaustive list, but enough to convince me of our interconnectedness.

Please list, in the comments below, any human interconnectedness you have noticed in your lifetime.